By Fiona Barton
Once again, Fiona Barton completes a masterpiece! I received an advance copy of
The Child through Penguin's First to Read program. Having read
The Widow, I was excited to read another book by Fiona Barton. Her writing is incredible and memorable. In
The Child, she weaves a story through multiple points of view, where a baby's remains are found after many years. The mystery involves the baby's identity, as well as how the baby came to be buried in an old neighborhood that included both long-term families and transients. There were many twists and turns in this novel, and every time I thought I knew where it was going, something else happened to change my way of thinking. In the end, I was surprised, but as a looked back, it was a convincing end, and tied a lot of the perspectives together. Great job! I can't wait for her next book!
Bottom Line: An Amazing book, by a skillful storyteller. For mystery lovers, this is a must-read.
Rating: 92